Cornerstone Wellness, Inc.
Restorative Fitness Training
Our Vision
Cornerstone Wellness, Inc.'s vision is to provide restorative fitness, strength and balance training for those people who need a starting point for their fitness journey.
Personal Training
As insurance companies and Medicare continue to decrease coverage for healthcare services it will become increasingly imperative to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. We provide restorative fitness, strength and balance training for anyone who just needs to get started. Kathleen Hentschel is an ACSM certified personal trainer with 17 years experience in physical rehabilitation. If you have never exercised before, if you are struggling to get started and new to exercise, if you are over 50, recovering from injury, or if you just don't feel you are ready to go to a traditional commercial gym call Kathleen 845-642-9282.
provide restorative fitness, strength and balance training for those people who have no idea where to start on their fitness journey.